Contact us Let's make a start! Contact us today to discuss your renovation and how it can help you transform the way you live every day – exactly where you are. Your Builders Renovare Sunshine Coast Shawn PawseyPh: 0417 584 594Builders License Number: Connect with Sunshine Coast North Facebook Instagram Youtube Pinterest Looking to breathe new life into your home? Let the experts at Renovare show you a fresh approach. If you’re ready to renovate your home (and everyday life), we’d love to talk about how simple it can be. Name Email Phone Renovation Location Estimated Budget Select100,000-150,000150,000-250,000250,000-400,000400,000+ Renovation Type SelectLift and Build UnderExtra StoreyExtensionNot sure - would like adviceOther (please specify) Ready To Renovate? SelectNext 3 Months3-6 Months Next 6+ Months Do you have plans? SelectYesNo Message Send This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Other enquiries? SEE ALL BUILDERS Interested in a Renovare franchise?Learn more here.Subcontractor enquiries?Learn more here.